An anthology

From 1957 to 2019, seven diverse stories explore the complex themes of home, safety, and grief through women’s eyes in one American suburban house.



In a Southern California suburb, our hero house is tucked away in a charming and serene neighborhood just a short drive from the hustle and bustle of the city. Through the perspective of seven different women over time, we come to know that there is more to the place and to their experiences than we first realized.

We begin with a devoted housewife who begins to act out in a desperate attempt for change when her family quickly becomes the last white family in the neighborhood, revealing the tension of race relations. In the 60s, we meet a child who does her best to keep White colonialism out of her home, but sees it seeping through the walls when her mother returns from the psychiatric hospital. A young woman in the 70s trips out in her parent’s living room while she contemplates freedom to pursue her own dreams vs. staying with tradition. The sexual revolution of the 80s brings us potential lurkers and abductors peeking through the blinds as a teen explores her penchant for danger. In the 90s, the pacifying popularity of TV washes over the home while a bored girl learns the impact of summertime friendship. With the new millennium, we see a single-mother plagued with questioning her ability to provide safety for her children after a break-in. In 2019, a work-driven, social media savvy, 30-something must learn to be present in the moment and the house, facing all its flaws in order to say goodbye with a fresh can of paint.

As these women face challenges from family, society, and their own demons, they claim their power in surprising and new ways. 

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